The need

In the market in which we operate, the figure of the CFO has increasingly become a figure of primary importance but one that has substantially changed “skin.”

Today the CFO, in collaboration with the CIO, not only expresses “Business Continuity” needs but is increasingly focused on demanding a vision on digitization issues that enable him and his team to focus on strategic business decisions responding more and more quickly to different stakeholders.

In addition, The CFO has become increasingly important in the company’s strategic decision-making chain by actively participating in decisions pertaining to integration and M&A transactions.


Finance Service Line Manager

The solution

BGP is focused, through its distinctive competencies, on offering initiatives that can improve finance processes every day whether they are “core” or “Innovation”.
We take care of designing our solutions by crossing IT needs with Business needs, accompanying our clients from the design to the modeling of the identified solution.

We range from the most classic ERP implementation projects on new S4 HANA platform, passing to SAP suites dedicated to Fast Closing, Credit Management and regulatory compliance (IFRS 16 and Electronic Invoicing), up to the early adoption of Digital CFO and Machine Learning solutions that can ensure greater efficiency in the analysis of data available in Real Time.

For us, the solution is like a tailor-made suit that is cut and sewn with more modern Agile Project Management methodologies that enable immediate evaluation of the choices adopted by getting in touch with the product from the earliest design stages.


Our goal is to always provide tangible benefits to our customers by taking full advantage of SAP solutions, whether they are classic or innovative and can provide:

– An improvement in data finance by simplifying data structures on the one hand but also introducing information that was previously unthinkable by eliminating redundant data
– A new User Experience on all processes and mobile access
– An operational efficiency that can drastically reduce the most “labor intensive” finance operations to allow time to be freed up for analysis
– A support to the CFO and his team at critical decision-making stages through the preparation of comprehensive and Real Time Reporting Packs
– An easy reconciliation of all finance accounting data through an integrated management of all information (Accounting and Managerial) In parallel, we always ensure a careful maintenance of the present solutions in order to a continuous management of the more traditional business.

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